Ryan's World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure Combines Live Action and Animation for an Epic Family Film

Ryan’s World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure” is set to captivate audiences with its blend of live-action and animation in a superhero-themed adventure. Scheduled for theatrical release on August 16, 2024, this film marks the directorial debut of Albie Hecht and is based on the popular YouTube channel Ryan’s World. The movie, co-produced by Loann Kaji and Shion Kaji, features Chris M. Williams as executive producer and Rose Frankel as the screenwriter.

The film follows Ryan, played by Ryan Kaji himself, as he leaps into a mystical comic book to rescue his younger twin sisters, Emma and Kate, who have been sucked into the Titan Universe. With thrilling adventures, epic battles, and plenty of comedic moments, Ryan must navigate this fantastical world to bring his sisters back home safely before their parents find out.


Live-action Cast:

  • Ryan Kaji as Himself
  • Emma Kaji as Herself
  • Kate Kaji as Herself
  • Shion Kaji as Himself
  • Loann Kaji as Herself
  • Evangeline Lomelino as Aiden
  • Jack Reid as Clark
  • Dan Rhodes as Himself
  • Toys and Colors, K-City, and Hungry Fam make cameo appearances
  • Larry Herrera and Sky Williams as Ryan’s World fans

Voice Cast:

  • Bradley William Smith as Combo Panda
  • Julia Stockton as Gus
  • Scott Whyte as Dark Titan
  • Brianna Jaynes as Emma and Kate (animated, uncredited)

Announced on September 22, 2023, “Ryan’s World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure” is notable as the first theatrical film centered on an internet celebrity since “Fred: The Movie.” The animation, provided by Japan’s Shin-Ei Animation, brings the Titan Universe to life with vibrant visuals.

The film premiered at the Cleveland International Film Festival on April 6, 2024, and was also shown at the Bentonville Film Festival on June 13, 2024. It will hit theaters across the United States on August 16, 2024.

The soundtrack, set for release on August 16, 2024, will be available through Republic Records. The lead single, a cover of Imagine Dragons’s “Thunder” by a cappella group Pentatonix, was released on July 12, 2024.